

Branding, Marketing & Advertising

The Client

Argonaut, previously PHASTAR (Public Health and Safety
Technical Aviation Resources) Corporation, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation founded in 2010. Recognizing the workforce shortages and a lack of diversity in the aerospace and maritime industries, Argonaut supports a combined business/education model incorporating a project-based learning environment and real-life experiences for high school-aged youth in the City of Cleveland. Argonaut’s goal is to engage young people in high-quality educational experiences, increase the number of youths who enter careers in the fields of aerospace and maritime, and increase the number of youths who successfully attain financial independence in adulthood through education and employment.

The Challenge

PHASTAR (Public Health and Safety Technical Aviation Resources) Corporation envisioned a future that would help the organization identify new supporters, demonstrate clear and consistent messaging across partnerships and projects, and augment the organization to reflect the impact of its work. To reach this goal, PHASTAR selected shark&minnow to:

  • Create a distinctive, unique, and flexible brand to engage students and families (attraction/retention), donors (cultivation), and community partners (civic engagement)
  • Improve brand awareness within the community, in target markets, and within the organization.
  • Obtain creative building blocks that can be used to produce future collateral and marketing campaigns
  • Align new brand with key marketing tools

The Solution

Brand Identity System





Before & After Animation

Brand Anthem Video

Brand Identity System // Collateral & Brochures // Swag & Promotional Items // Website


